When encountering such contretemps, I try to recall that they are not unique in the recent history of the AEA. In this post, I recall some AEA committees I think relevant to the discussion. The Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) had an important role in the founding of the International Asociation for Feminist Economics (IAFFE). (I read Amartya Sen - who was a student of Joan Robinson - as supporting feminist economics.)
I recall reading the report of the AEA Commission on Graduate Education in Economics (COGEE). I guess this report is:
- Krueger et al. (1991). "Report of the Commission on Graduate Education in Economics", Journal of Economic Literature, V. 29, N. 3: 1035-1053
A later AEA committee, headed by Thomas Schelling, looked into the openness of the AEA journals. I guess I want to read this:
- Schelling, Thomas (2000). "Report on the AEA Committee on Journals", American Economic Review, V. 90, N. 2: 528-531.
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