

Blue Dogs

Following is a Metrofax list with phone and fax numbers for the Blue Dogs (supposedly fiscally conservative Democrats).

Blue Dog Democrats Voting Yes The First Time

D Y,Mike Arcuri,NY,2022253665,2022251891
D Y,Melissa Bean,IL,2022253711,2022257830
D Y,Marion Berry,Ark,2022254076,2022255602
D Y,Sanford Bishop,GA,2022253631,2022252203
D Y,Dan Boren,OK,2022252701,2022253038
D Y,Leonard Boswell,Iowa,2022253806,2022255608
D Y,Allen Boyd, FL,2022255235,2022255615
D Y,Dennis Cardoza,CA,2022256131,2022250819
D Y,Jim Cooper,TN,2022254311,2022261035
D Y,Jim Costa,CA,2022253341,2022259308
D Y,Bud Cramer,AL,2022254801,2022254392
D Y,Joe Donnelly,IN,2022253915,2022256798
D Y,Brad Ellsworth,IN,2022254636,2022253284
D Y,Jane Harman, CA,2022258220,2022267290
D Y,Tim Mahoney,FL,2022255792,2022253132
D Y,Jim Marshall,GA,2022256531,2022253013
D Y,Charlie Melancon,LA,2022254031,2022263944
D Y,Dennis Moore, KS,2022252865,2022252807
D Y,Patrick Murphy,PA,2022254276,2022259511
D Y,Earl Pomeroy,ND,2022252611,2022260893
D Y,Mike Ross,Ark,2022253772,2022251314
D Y,Zack Space,OH,2022256265,2022253394
D Y,John Tanner,TN,2022254714,2022251765
D Y,Charlie Wilson,OH,2022255705,2022255907

Blue Dog Democrats Voting No The First Time

D N,Joe Baca, CA,2022256161,2022258671
D N,John Barrow,GA,2022252823,2022253377
D N,Christopher Carney,PA,2022253731,2022259594
D N,Ben Chandler,KY,2022254706,2022252122
D N,Jim Matheson,Utah, 2022253011,2022255638
D N,Mike McIntyre,NC,2022252731,2022255773
D N,Mike Michaud, Maine,2022256306,2022252943
D N,Gabrielle Giffords, AZ,2022252542,2022250378
D N,Kirsten Gillebrand, NY,2022255614,2022251168
D N,Stephanie Herseth Sandlin,SD,2022252801,2022255823
D N,Baron Hill,IN,2022255315,2022266866
D N,Tim Holden, PA, 2022255546,2022260996
D N,Nick Lampson,TX,2022255951,2022255241
D N,Lincoln Davis,TN,2022256831,2022265132
D N,Collin Peterson, MN,2022252165,2022251593
D N,John Salazar,CO,2022254761,2022269669
D N,Loretta Sanchez,CA,2022252965,2022255859
D N,Adam Schiff,CA,2022254176,2022255258
D N,Heath Shuler,NC,2022256401,2022266422
D N,David Scott,GA,2022252939,2022254628
D N,Gene Taylor,MS,2022255772,2022257074
D N,Mike Thompson,CA,2022253311,2022254335

Please thank those who courageously voted "No" the first time, let them know you expect another "No" vote. Mention the pork that was added to the bill, let them know that handing $700 billion dollars to an unknown entity at the Treasury with no controls on how the money is spent, is fiscally and politically reckless. Mention that there are better alternatives that must be considered. And let them know you will back their opponent if they switch votes.

For those who voted "Yes", mention how fiscally irresponsible their vote was, that handing $700 billion dollars to an unknown entity at the Treasury with no controls on how the money is spent, is fiscally and politically reckless. Mention that there are better alternatives that must be considered.And let them know you will back their opponent if they do not vote against the bill. Tell them this is a second chance to get it right.

Create your own faxes and tell them in your own words.
Please call and fax everyone on the list.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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