the following from Liz at YNN: "“It is my privilege to endorse Chip Flowers as Delaware’s next state treasurer,” Bloomberg said in a statement released by the candidate’s campaign."
What's this all about? Well, according to Liz it's about trying to pull Americans back to the moderate middle: "Bloomberg, a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent, has been endorsing moderate candidates on both sides of the aisle this fall in hopes of pulling the country’s increasingly polarized political spectrum back to the middle. The mayor has a mixed track record of success when it comes to past endorsements. It will be interesting to see how his fares this time around."
Pull America back from the brink, we guess-but from the brink of what? That's not too clear, and it indicates that Bloomberg-or whoever may be advising him (Wolfson?)-sees the current political turmoil as an aberration that is causing wide swaths of the electorate to long for the days of moderation. But all of this middling through is in the absence of any philosophical or ideological coherence, and assumes that the Tea Party is part of an aberrational temper tantrum that will soon have people calling for a leader-like Bloomberg-who will tuck them sweetly into bed and put them safely to sleep.
Memo to Mike: The folks are upset about the Obama over reach and lurch to the left. What is it exactly that you have to offer to counter act this great wave of attempted government expansion? We thought as much. So it seems that Bloomberg will continue to plod in his current direction, hoping for an eventual ideological schism that will open up an opportunity for him-in good fullback draw tradition-to speed right up the middle to score.
Maybe so. But, as Daddy told us, the race doesn't always go to the swift, but that's the way to bet.
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